Ryuichi Sakamoto
D&L '95 November 30th Budhokan live exists through the essential support of many individuals. The uncompromising dedication to this project by the members of ILEA and WIDE has been crucial in securing the use of Mbone world wide broadcasting. Likewise, the contributions of various commercial providers, software companies and organizations make this project a reality today.
This broadcast is one of the first few major concert productions in the world to make use of the most sophisticated audio and visual Internet broadcasting technology today. It is my wish that this project will help to uncover new realities that lie hidden in this new media.
It is exciting to imagine what the future holds for the Internet. I wonder what it wil it be in ten or even a hundred years from now?
As we wait for more progress on the net, I hope the 11.30 NetLive will help all of you to see things in a net-way.
May I take this opportunity to thank once again all those who made this D&L '95 11. 30 NetLive broadcast happen.